Nane Kratzke


Introduction to Programming

Published: 21 Sep 2017
Short: GProg
Semester: WS 2017/18
Study: Information Technology and Design

This course provides an introduction into programming for freshman students and teaches a fundamental understanding of programming. JAVA is used as teaching language, nevertheless the principles are applicable to every (imperative or class based object oriented) programming language.

This course is given for Information Technology and Design students at the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences and will cover following aspects:

  • Fundamental concepts of programming including programming paradigms and runtime models
  • Variables, data types, operators and expressions
  • Control flow and routines (functions, procedures, methods)
  • Reference data types and collections
  • (Stream based) I/O programming and serialization of objects
  • Recursive programming and datastructures


  • Unit 1: Core concepts of programming
  • Unit 2: Fundamentals of imperative programming
  • Unit 3: Reference data types and collections
  • Unit 4: I/O programming, serialization (just for self study, not covered in lecture)
  • Unit 5: Recursive and functional programming
  • Exercises
  • Youtube playlist: Excercises of WS2015/16 explained (Thanks to Marco Torge Gabrecht for providing this tremendous work.)