Nane Kratzke


Programming I

Published: 25 Sep 2022 (latest update: 25 Sep 2022)
Short: ProgI
Study: Computer Science/Software Engineering, B. Sc.
Semester: WS 2022/23

The course Programming I is about the fundamentals of programming for first-year students and covers fundamental concepts of programming. This course uses JAVA as a teaching language. Nevertheless, the principles apply to every (imperative or class-based object-oriented) programming language. The course is given for Computer Science students at the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, and covers the following aspects:

  • Fundamental concepts of programming including computational thinking, programming paradigms and runtime models
  • Variables, data types, operators and expressions
  • Control flow and routines (functions, procedures, methods)
  • Reference data types and collections
  • (Stream based) I/O programming and serialization of objects
  • Exception handling
  • Introduction to object oriented programming and UML introducing fundamental concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism


  • Unit 01: Core concepts of programming
  • Unit 02: Variables, types, control structures, methods
  • Unit 03: Arrays, collections, classes (structured datatypes)
  • Unit 04: File I/O (just for self study)
  • Unit 06: Object-oriented programming and UML
  • Excercises: Practical course (just units 01, 02, 03, 06)